NOTE: Our App is temporary unavailable - we're currently working a new version.
Rated in the TOP 20 from over 700 apps on mindfulness in a published study in the USA.
Mindfulness is about bringing your attention to this moment in your life in an alert and aware way.
iMindfulness on the go is an App specially designed for you to use when you are travelling or commuting on a train, tube or bus, as these are often times when you are rushed, stressed or you feel that time is being wasted. This App also includes a Walking Meditation to use when going to work or to a specific destination as well as an unusual one that can be read prior to you setting off on a Bike Ride. These meditations help you to build a mindful approach and to take it with you wherever you go.
You can download the apps below:
1. Buy iMindfullness on-the-Go from GooglePlay : This is download is suitable for Android devices.
2. Buy iMindfullness on-the-Go from the App Store: This download is suitable for IOS (Apple) devices.